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Thursday 25 November 2010

You either love it... or you hate it!

You guessed right! Marmite! Mmm I love it! I was really intrigued with Nigella's recipe from her newest book, Kitchen, when I came across a recipe for spaghetti with Marmite. Was I reading that right?

Love it or hate it?
The recipe was EASY. A quick supper made with four ingredients - marmite, spaghetti, Parmesan, butter - in 10 minutes! Bring a pan of water to the boil and cook your spaghetti. Two minutes before your spaghetti is ready, in another pan, melt a knob of butter, add a tsp of Marmite (or to your taste), add a little bit of pasta water and stir to combine. Drain pasta, pour over sauce, grate Parmesan... et voila! I did add some cracked black pepper and a sprinkle of fresh chopped parsley.

Did it work? Oh yeah! Tasty, quick and satisfying! Don't knock it until you have tried it! One word of warning, don't lick the spoon that you have been using to stir the sauce as it gets really HOT. Yes, I burnt my tongue! Ouch!

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